Table of Contents
The KirHut Software Company Documentation Wiki
This Wiki is intended to document the software projects of the KirHut Software Company, and provide guidance to users on what our software does and how to use it. The major project of the KirHut Software Company is KirHut SCM, or The KirHut Secrets and Cryptography Manager, a truly secure and accessible password and secrets manager meant for modern users.
Currently there isn't much that is up here.
Who is The KirHut Software Company
This is a small security-focused technology company that is currently developing KirHut SCM. The company is named after the husband-and-wife co-founders, Quinn Kirwan and Gina Hutchinson. We will not be giving much more information regarding who we are or what plans we have for this company as things are still greatly in flux!
Weekend Project Documentation
The KirHut Weekend Projects are a series of C++ projects meant to show examples of how to write certain things with Qt or just with C++ in general. Each of the Weekend Projects should get documented on this wiki.
Weekend Project #1: Simple Qt DiceRoller Application
Weekend Project #2: Simple Qt Text Editor Application
Monthly Project Documentation
The weekend projects above were neat but quickly became too constraining. The point of these applications is to show off what I can do, and a weekend is just not enough time to actually “do” much. So it was with the third planned project, a file hashing application, that I decided to keep it going after the first weekend because I really did not feel it was done or in a state that was good enough, and this project gave me the opportunity to show off a lot of what I can do.
So now instead of weekend projects, these are month-long projects. The first one is mostly complete, it is called The Simple Qt File Hashing Application. Here is where documentation for the projects should be located:
Month Long Project #1: Simple Qt File Hashing Application